Take Action

We have an impact on the Floridan Aquifer.

Here are a few ways that you can reduce your impact.

At Home

There's a lot you can do at home to conserve groundwater.

Tips for reducing water consumption at home:

Residential yards can add up to have a big impact on the aquifer.

Tips for a Florida Spring Friendly Yard:


Don’t use fertilizer


Plant native or drought tolerant plants


Only water when you’re establishing a plant


Use a rain barrel for additional watering


Don’t use fertilizer


Don’t use fertilizer


Plant native or drought tolerant plants


Only water when you’re establishing a plant


Use a rain barrel for additional watering

The Florida Springs Institute is developing a comprehensive Springs Friendly yard program, so keep an eye out for announcements!

In Your Community

There are many opportunities for becoming a springs advocate in your area.

Ways to become active in your community:


Become a member of a springs-focused conservation group


Attend meetings of organizations like water management districts and county commissions


Join an environmental advisory board at the local or state level


Contact your local officials

Water quality testing training 1

Interested in hands-on volunteer work?

These programs are a great way to get out in nature, help the springs, and learn more about Florida's water resources.

Non-profit organization Kings of the Springs hauling garbage from the river during one of their regular clean-up events.

In The Voting Booth

Many of the largest impacts to the aquifer come from industry and agriculture. An important way to make your voice heard on these issues is to be an informed, active voter.

Organizations with helpful information for voters include:

"The Florida Springs Council is the only statewide advocacy group dedicated solely to the restoration, preservation and protection of Florida’s springs. Our singular focus means that we will never compromise on springs protection because of competing priorities."

Ryan Smart

Florida Springs Council


Over the next few months, we'll be adding more region-specific information about ways to reduce your impact on the aquifer. To be alerted when we update this page, join our update list!